When you first quit or cut down, you may find it difficult to sleep as long as you used to. Two things can cause this are:
As a smoker your sleep may have been interrupted by constant coughing and/or difficulty breathing. When you stop smoking, your body gets healthier and the sleep you get is more restful. So if you wake up suddenly at 5:00 a.m., you may think you are a victim of insomnia. You're probably not! Your body has probably had all the sleep it needs.
Smoking drains your body's energy. When you quit smoking you regain this energy. You may need fewer hours of sleep.
How long will this last?
The first few weeks after quitting.
Tips to help:
Try making sure you have a regular sleeping schedule. If you wake up in the middle of the night do some light stretches, or read a book to help you get to sleep.
Try taking a warm bath before bed.
Try some relaxation techniques before bed.
If you have a symptom that persists or seems worse than you expected, you should immediately consult a doctor. It�s possible that your smoking has been masking symptoms of some illness, and when you stop smoking the symptoms abruptly become noticeable.
Take Care,
The SSC Support Team