Day 26
Well well well. That is how I am and I must say that I am really happy. Something in the swimming clicked last night and I was able to breath, really able to breath. Once I got that I could really breath, I relaxed and in getting relaxed I was able to go farther and with much more power. There was a "Duffism" somewhere around here that was about getting on with life and not being so obsessed with the whole idea of not smoking (kind of relaxing into the water). I will have to find that again and save it into my printable journal. Over the weekend I am going to reward myself by putting together a book. Like a scrap book, full of writting, images and the roller coaster ride that this quit (NEW LIFE) is.
That was another post, can you tell I do a lot of reading in this site. Roller Coasters. I love them, I scream and scream and scream into the wind, letting go, in a full stream way, into the force of the motion. I love roller coasters they are exhilarating. My nephew a couple of summers ago was visiting and we went to the not so local roller coaster park and spent the day. We went on 15 rides, a couple of them twice. About the third ride in he asked me why I screamed from one end of the ride to the other and I told him that I didn't want to hold in the scream or to bite it down and simply swallow it back; because, all of the terror of the ride would remain inside of me. I asked him to try it out and after a couple of rides we were both very excited and really enjoying going on more and more scarry rides.
How is this like smoking or quitting smoking? Well, here goes. Smoking offers the body a place where it can bury, cover up a lot of what if feels emotionally. Masking feelings in the nicotine, or other chemicals in the brain. When we quit smoking we really start feeling, emotionally and physically. My mouth has never been so sensitive, just as my anger receptors and my sadness receptors have never been so alert. I think we get depressed around the thirty day mark because we get so busy trying to stuff the emotions and all of the feelings back into place. I know that for me in past quits and sometimes in this quit I can really get into a place where I say that all this feeling is just wrong and I shouldn't be feeling what I am feeling. Well that is ju