Hey, thank you all for your kind words.
I'm having an absolutley misserable day today and really just trying not to speek at all, lest I cause some irreversable damage to my family.
I think that i'm kind of in martyr-mode right now, though i am really far too tired to think rationally about anything that i'm feeling. I left this thread up when i went to bed and when I took the kids to school and I think that my husband read it (which was why I left it up - I'll be honest)because he is sudenly very apologetic.
I read on another site (Which turned out to have a completely wrong approach to quitting for me) about family being supportive and how they can't be really because they have never been through this before and have no idea what you are going through.
Thing is.. My husband asked questions. He thought he knew what it was like because he quit playing video games and was once so hooked on them that he spent days on end playing. I told him.. "Uhhh, KK.. no. I am shivering and sweating at the same time, my head hurts, my hands are shaking, i seem dehydrated all the time no matter how much I drink, my stomach goes from being ravishingly hungry to feeling like i'm going to vomit all of the sudden, my gums are bleading - sometimes really really badly. My finger tips were once nearly numb, and now I can't touch my hot steering wheel anymore. I can smell every single little stink in the house, and with 5 kids - one in diapers, 12 rats, a cat, and a dog.. there's plenty of those. My food tastes horrible, my lips are chapped, and I have this really deap burning sensation in the bottom of my lungs. I'm nervouse, i'm crying, i'm laughing, and i'm sad... and the only thing that will give me any releif is having a cigarette. It's nothing like an effin' video game."
This is someone who always gives me the "I'm so proud of you!" whenever I do anything exciting, and all of the sudden he's not only not proud but seems to be trying to make things harder than they ever needed to be, and i'm afraid that i don't understand why. Maybe he just really needs to live in chaos with a person that doesn't take care of herself or of him to be comfortable. I have no idea - just speculating. Maybe i'm too angry. i dunno, but it hurts and i'm going to tell him t