Well, a part of me thought that I could just sneak out of here without being noticed. That same naive part of me also thought that I wouldn�t miss this place or that as soon as I left I would quit caring about the people here. Well, none of these things are true, of course. Even though I left the site, I am still quite the lurker here and Duffis� post tonight really struck a chord with me. Sometimes, it�s all too easy to get angry about things that happen here. We start to take things personally and that can be somewhat dangerous, but it�s also what helps us all to be able to help each other quit. Afterall, if we didn�t care about each other, then the SSC would fail to be successful in its mission to help people quit smoking. We MUST care about each other, at least on some level, in order to be able to help and be helped in this fight against this horrible drug. Accountability becomes an extremely important component of the quit, and if we didn�t care at all about each other, we would be less likely to maintain our quits. So, we start caring, we build connections, and that opens us up to being vulnerable and taking things personally and getting hurt in the process. I guess all of these things happened and I found myself in a difficult situation� I didn�t want to stay to get my feelings hurt again, but at the same time, I found it extremely difficult to just walk away.
Since leaving the site 2 weeks ago, I started living life as an ex-smoker and not just as a quitter. I believe all quitters hit a time in their lives when they start to rely on the SSC less and less and live their smoke-free lives more and more without needing to check into the site everyday or every week. It�s the natural progression of quitting, and is most certainly a good thing. However, this has not been easy for me. The junkie in my has been working overtime lately saying, �you can smoke now� you don�t have to reset your meter since you�re not a member of the SSC anymore.� The accountability that this site offers is really, really important to successfully staying quit. I�m starting to wonder if I will ever be able to live a smoke-free life without the aid of the SSC, but for right now, I know that I cannot.
I had a brief lapse of judgement a few days ago. My boyfrie