Hi, Sammia,
I have a bad driving phobia, and have been able to accept this and desl with it, one mile at a time. I do the relaxation techniques, before, during and after the event. I also plan in advance by being self re-assueing. I do affirmations. "I can do this" I wil do this" I am able to do this". Fact: You can do this. Think up some positive coping statements and write them down. Start days in advance.
Allow yourself the space to say "I cannot do this today". Do not, however, keep putting it off. You know you will have to face it, and drive across that bridge eventually, and why not now? There is no time like the present.
Also, I rewarded myselfupon completion, with anything I wanted..like an ice cream cone, a burger, a new hairdo. It makes no difference what the reward is, as long as it pleases you.
The other thing I wanted to mention is that you should know that nothing is going to happen to you, you just think it is.
Imagine the feeling of accomplishment you will have, when you reach the other side of that d*^#@! bridge.
I know the feeling well, altho I have not had much trouble driving recently. I conquered my fear. I am proud, as it was a toughie, and I still have times I am a little squeamish. The only thing now that identifies my phobia is that I cannot be in any vehicle, driver or passenger, without having the window wide open. I feel like I am being smothered if it is not open. Try opening the windows.
As you progress, so does your self-confidence. Would it help you to have a passenger with you?