I watch as quitters go through changes and when I can I try to add something I think might help. Quitting is a journey folks. A walk down the road less traveled. It is filled with bumps along the way including, anger, depression, happiness, and joy. When we smoke, we grab a cigarette each time one of these emotions occurs in our lives. When we quit, we must develop other coping skills or it is back to smoking we go. There is a comfort zone in doing things the way they have always been done. When we are suddenly disrupted in our not-so-perfect worlds, our natural instinct is to run and hide behind the cigarette. Quitting means we have to find new ways to deal with life.
One of my quit buddies use to say �the Journey is the Reward�. He was so accurate in this statement. While quitting has been painfully difficult at times it has been a journey of self discovery, growth, development, and changes. Many, many changes. Lean on those traveling along this journey with you. Ask questions and post what you are going through. No one has to be positive all the time. If you are in agony, post about it. It helps to get insight from others that have been there or may be going through what you are going through. I have learned so much from those traveling with me. I highly recommend you get to know those on this journey with you.
I have often said that your quit buddies will save you from yourself when you need them. Lord knows, mine have time and time again. Everyone on these boards have something to offer. Even if it is just a �Hey, I�m here for you�. Sometimes all we need is the knowledge that we are not alone.
When I look in the mirror there is a different person looking back than there once use to be. I was angry and bitter in a dark and lonely world when I found the SSC. Not anymore. My life is full of joy. You want to be inspired? Look at some of the postings by these fine quitters that travel the road ahead.
[B]Luna[/b] � taught me that life is full of adventures just waiting to be enjoyed.
[B]Ladybugg[/b] - Always has a hug and a story to lift our spirits when we are feeling down.
[B]Duffis[/b] � With his 70 plus years of wisdom, reminds me to keep my chin up because tomorrow is a new and better day.