This is my rant at the end of six months. This is particularly about me and please, please, please take what you want, what you can use and please leave the rest.
Hello fellow ex smoker. I am at the end of my first 6 months of not smoking. I have not smoked a single puff. I have kept my agreement to myself and for that I am happy, grateful and somewhat surprised.
Here we go. Remember this is all about me finding balance.
Hate. A big word and a word I see often. �I hate the nicodemon�, � �kick that hateful nicodemon to the curb�. � �I hate smokers�, �I hate the new laws�, � I hate the junkie in me� � . I hate � could be a whole lot of things. Hate is a word and hatred a behaviour that I work to balance myself against in almost every avenue of my life.
I have worked for almost all of my life as a peacemaker. I have tolerance and boundaries now that I didn�t have when I smoked. I have a very hard time with hatred. I have an even harder time with violent behaviour. So I get very unbalanced and not wanting to play the game, participate in the festivities when I see them taking on a (this is very much me seeing and responding to this) violent, intolerant and hateful tone.
I have held onto this for a long time. I have a very difficult time programming myself to hate a part of me, and I absolutely cannot do it. Yes there is a part if me that I need to change. The part of me that smoked, endangered my life and health. The part of me that smoked took away a lot and gave back very, very little. Most of what the smoking did was provide a false sense of security and calm. Smoking was a huge stressor. I only know any of this now that I have not smoked for 6 months.
Fear, I fear growing old and becoming intolerant. I fear getting angry and bitter and becoming hateful, and I very much fear violence, because it was so much like what I have seen and experienced in my life. I don�t want to recreate my past. I have found after 6 months of being quit that I absolutely do not have to recreate my past. I don't have to be afraid, because I know that I can design and build my future the way I want it to be, I've been doing this for 6 months.
I am very attached to changing my behaviour, stopping smoking, in a kinder, gentler more loving way. I have the hardest time