Hi Anne-Marrie,
Yes, I think that positive thinking and self esteem go hand in hand and I noticed how easy it is to justify the fear know matter how silly.
My main goal is to slow down my thinking and be aware of what triggers my panic and work on these issues as they come one day at a time.
Thanks for the post, Michelle. You hit on something important, that of negative thinking and how it feeds into fears and further panic, and how positive messages make you feel.
Is that one of your goals, to be able to sort out the negative thoughts trails from the positive and stop them if they arise?
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
I wanted to thank all who post on this site. When I first started having panic attaches I searched for what seemed forever before finding this site. Many of the other chat or message boards were what I found to be very negative with many people feeding into each others fears.
I would often feel depressed and hopeless after reading the posts. I have had nothing but positive and supportive experiences with this online support group.
I believe this is what has enabled me to get on track again being able to cope with each and everyday.
So thank you for being so positive and supportive.