Dearest Sunshine.
Your message brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I believe in miracles too because my family experienced one this year also. My husband�s grandfather, age 83, was driving down the interstate when a city dump truck pulled out of a side road and hit his truck broadside. He was rushed to the local hospital with a broken leg, broken ribs and blunt force head trauma. The highway patrol that investigated the accident said he would not have survived the crash if he had not been wearing his seat belt.
When we arrived at the local hospital he was alert and upbeat. He told my husband that he had lived a long and happy life and if the Lord was ready for him to go, he was ready and he [u]did not want any of his family angry with the driver of the other vehicle if he died.[/u] �It was just an accident,� he said. Soon afterwards they transferred him to a major trauma hospital. Fluid had begun collecting on his brain.
The next few days turned into weeks and our grandfather ended up having to have a brain operation. We thought he was going to die. Extended family was visiting to say �goodbye� and everyone was praying. After all, the chances of an 83 year old recovering from a major accident AND brain surgery are slim. Yet, he did!! He had lost a lot of weight and had to go into rehab for his leg for several weeks but he was eventually released and went back home.
I�ve said here before that witnessing this event changed my entire perspective about quitting smoking. I know it�s hard. But it�s not THAT hard compared to some of lifes other challenges.
This is not the end of the story though. After returning home for a few weeks he had to be rushed back to the hospital. We think he had a stroke. He couldn�t talk. The doctors said at his age there was really not much more they could do and recommended a nursing home. That�s the last place we wanted to take him, but had no other options. So, we found the nicest one near us and began taking turns visiting often. Then it happens again. He comes back to life!! Talking, joking, WALKING!!!! He was taken out of the nursing home last Saturday and is currently living with his oldest son. He never once complained during all of this. He was constantly