Eve, I like both of your pieces! They are great!!!
Cuddles, love the dancing frog! :)
OK, here's another one of mine. This one is also very close to my heart.
30 Day Poem
Thirty days have come and gone.
Who knew I could be so strong?
I�d never thought I�d get this far
To never smoke that nasty tar.
In tries before, I did cheat
And so they ended in defeat.
But this time, I found a new way �
The SSC, they saved the day!
They showed me that there�s more to life,
And it�s worth all the pain and strife.
So many there had made it through,
So I knew that I could too.
My strength has been put to the test
And yet I rise above the rest
Of all the smokers who wish they could
Kick this nasty habit for good.
To them I say, �You can! You can!
Win this fight; take a stand
Against this horrible enemy
Who hates to see you break free!�
The road is long; the battles are hard
But I know I�ll make it, yard by yard.
�It must get easier,� I tell myself.
�And all this misery is worth my health.�
Not one fag has entered this gob,
That�s not to say that I don�t sob.
Even still, the fight is tough.
Each day I cry, �I�ve had enough!�
But yet still, my will is strong,
As JoyfulSpirit says, I�m keepin� on keepin� on.
And all of you at the SSC,
What a lifesaver you�ve come to be!
It�s sometimes hard to realize
That the good of smoking, is really all lies.
The addiction is so hard to break
And the stress is just so hard to take.
That is when my friends stand tall
To pick me up when I fall.
To comfort, encourage and lend a hand.
Next to them, I proudly stand.
Without my friends, I could do this, not.
So many lessons they have taught.
And when things get rough, as they sometimes do,
They are always there to see me through.
I don�t see how a quit without the SSC
Would survive a day, or two or three.
For they have been my godsend.
So many a hand, they�re there to lend.
So now I am proud to say,
I made it through another day.
And this one was so toilsome, true
But I didn�t smoke because of you.
So thank you oh so very much.
My life all of you have touched.
Another day, tomorrow brings
And I�ll think of you, above all things.
It might be hard; it might be long.
But together, we can stay strong.