Just learn from your mistake. What u thought would be 1 cig is turning back into 2, 3, 10, 20+...ask yourself if what u want is to be a fully fledged pack a day smoker again...cause thats whats going to happen if you keep dabbling.
Smoking will not get rid of your stress, its gunna make it worse, it'll add to it by making u stress about smoking again.
Stop thinking in terms of 1 or 2 cigs here and there...b4 you know it you'll be back to what u were before you quit last time. Stop romanticizing smoking, its disgusting, its costly, it stinks, it contributes to your life being shortened, there is nothing cool about it whatsoever.....you know its true.
You can do it....get back into your quit....find other ways to deal with anxiety and stress........thats the only way to beat it long term