Yeah I exercise in the early afternoon. I could see how you would be wired if you did it before bed. I know a lot of people hate to exercise, but look at it like this. When it is time to go to the gym and you don't want to think about one of your panic attacks. Then think you could start getting rid of them by just spending 30 minutes to an hour at the gym. Worked everytime for me when I didn't want to go. Now I look forward to going.
Anne-Marie I just started the 12 week program on this site. I have done one before with my therapist. It worked very well to help with my panic. I figure it wouldn't hurt to do it again. More I know about panic the less I have panic attacks.
Mattchew, that's an exciting observation and comparison!
In our program we urge people to get exercise every day. It can be the most effective way of reducing muscle tension and stress, and therefore anxiety.
Therapists advise people not to exercise too late at night if it will get you "wired" before sleep. However, if it's working for you, woo hoo! Keep it up!Have you taken the panic program to help you work through the glitches that bring on attacks?
My doctor has really stress that I exercise to help with my panic and agoraphobia. I have been going regularly for two months. I have felt better, my panic is down but nothing really to write home about. That was until I got a really bad cold last week. I didn't go to the gym all week. By the end of the week I was feeling really down. Had a first panic attack in over 3 months. I went to the gym today and I feel great. It is amazing how much it is helping. I didn't notice it until I didn't go. I recommend exercising to everyone! Amazing how it helps, but it might not seem like it at first