Sorry about skipping the introduction step! I will do that soon here.
Yes, I know that it is careless behavior on my part to smoke when I don't need to and I also know I won't get away with it once I have gone off the meds.
Chantix is Rx only. It is a 12 or 24 week program, depending on your dependence. I think it got FDA approval in May, but when I asked my Dr for it, she didn't know what it was. We looked it up online and she wrote me a prescription.
Sadly enough, I began this journey to stop smoking for someone else. Given that, in the back of my mind I didn't think I would succeed.
On Chantix, you continue to smoke for a week while the medicine builds up. It also has an online support program that is optional. I did it in the beginning, and still periodically. Before a week was up, I had cut back by about 1/2 (a pack a day).I think it was the medicine, but it might also have been that they ask you to write down times and details of every smoke that first week, and it was a pain... made you really think about it.
Anyway, day 8 arrived, and I quit. I was expecting the horrible cravings that made me a WITCH on my other attempts, but they never came. How many times had I wished for a pill that could make you not want to smoke?!!! This is it!
So, like I said, nausea is a side effect as is insomnia (though mine only lasted 2 nights). I know if I could stay on the meds, no question, I would forever be smoke free. It is so easy. I can't say what will happen after I am done, but I hope by then I am strong enough.
I honestly never thought I could quit. Smoking ruled my life, my activities, my relationships...
Based on my past quit attempts, this drug is a miracle!