Hi, I'm new here, but I found your post extremely interesting to me. I suffer with not only those unsteady feelings...but a phobia about them now. It is one of the reasons why I am agoraphobic....though I like to use the words "agoraphobic tendencies" as I am not completely housebound..but close.
I have a difficult time walking with my children at a park or even down the sidewalk because of these feelings. They are strange. When they were small and I had the stroller, I felt reassured...because I could hold on to the stroller. Now though, it seems to come out of nowhere and it is scary. Almost like you are being pushed sideways or something. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even sees it in me when it comes over me..or if it's just a perception.
Again, it has evolved into a phobia for me. I can't stand the idea of walking anywhere, especially open places..though sometimes I get it in "not so open" places.
Sorry, no answers for you, but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.