I have this strange fear of bath tub handles and spickets. When I was a small child, we were having problems with our hot water handle not working right. I was taking a bath when I was 7 years old, the water started running, tried to turn it off and the handle shot off and I got 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 73 percent of my body. (the water temperature has been turned down now heh). Ever since, I have so much trouble in bathtubs. If I have to take a bath, I have to FORCE myself because well, I don't want to stink...but when I do bathe, It's hard. Most of the time, I end up zoning out and staring at the handles afraid it will pop off again. I have my seldom "good days" and don't have too much trouble. Showers are hard for me to deal with too because the sensation of the water spraying on my face brings allot back and I can't breathe. Am I just plain weird? Is there an actual medical term for "fear of bathtub handles"? :blush: