Marie, it would still annoy me after they say they want to give asked your advise you give your friends all this encouragement and support go out of your way to get this information to them for them just keep on smoking. As i mentioned in my reply, we can kick scream throw things at them but if theyr not ready, its going to be a darn sight harder to help them in their quit. I understand fully. My ex was an alcoholic, i thought i would be able to change him, after 8 years i walked away. His words still echo in my ears, if you come back to me i will give it up. He still smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish, he turned 40 yesterday.
As for my nephews girlfriend, they have this new commercial for smoking on television where they show a lady with cancer of the mouth. she just flicks the channel where i sit there and study it lol (i like the morbid reminders of why i quit). We do have laser treatment here but she STILL wont do it. Once again, can give her all the information but i cant make her do anything. I want to find a way that i can subconciously get her to quit.
I like to think my quit inspires her but i dont think it does. :(
She is only 24.
I wish i could have a magical touch where i can just "fix" it all for everyone. No pain, no stress, no turmoil.
I really identified with you post Marie, thank you for bringing it up.