Hi, Elena. The needle used for iv's is a tiny one, much like they ise in acupuncture. Once the needle is in and the tubing is taped on, you don't feel it. As unpleasant as it is, it's a necessary item to your treatment and care.
We can't talk you out of being afraid. You have to work on that yourself by monitoring your inner self-talk and by challenging your fears. You know the IV is for your own good. Talk to yourself now with some calming and reasoned thoughts. Cognitive behavior is what this site's about. Maybe you can try a little now?
i am 18 and i have to have surgery in a few weeks and i am terrified of needles!! i have to go in for pre-op testing and bloodwork and im jus dreading it. i have a past of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. im on medication for it and doing good..but i still get the anxiety attacks and stuff from needles and things im scared of. i just dont know how to handle my fear anymore. i have to have an IV and stay in the hospital cause its major surgery. ive tried CBT (cognative behavioral therapy) and it didnt help me. i just need to do this though! help!!!!!