Princess, let me level with you. I need to end a friendship with one of my friends, who seems to be wishing the worst for me when it comes to everything. She's criticized how I quit smoking. Criticizes my wish to earn a PhD and be a professor. Says I'm too old. And I have a lot of nerve picking such elite schools anyway. Says I couldn't possibly be a nurse. After all, the one job she supported my doing, Starbucks, didn't work out, because I couldn't remember all of those drink orders. Compares me with her son, who is a drug addict, alcoholic, and high school dropout, although he has a lot to be proud of because he has gotten himself, I think, clean and sober. But he still smokes. I only met him once, but when I did, he gave me one of those if looks could kill looks. I've never said anything to her about it. I instead set out to show that I intended to treat his mother well. I guess if he can't quit smoking, neither can I. We've been fighting since I quit smoking. Seems like sabotage to me. We took time off from each other, and I was doing okay until I saw her last Wednesday. She lied and said she only came to my graduation last May to support me. She didn't think my getting a degree was that big of a deal. I was so shocked, I bearly heard it. I wasn't going to the graduation originally, because I didn't see it as a big deal. I already had two master degrees and didn't want to pay the $57.90 for the cap and gown. She said no go; it's important. This woman was like a surrogate mother to me for years and she has turned on me. She doesn't have a history of mental illness (my therapist has asked me), although her son does. So I came to the conclusion over the weekend that based on what I know about her history, and it is scanty, she is doing drugs. I had accepted some of her explanations, but by Friday I was literally dreaming about how to end the relationship and was angry. I felt that we could leave the mother part out of it. She was not acting like a good friend. She let me know that she didn't become the concert pianist that she wanted to be. My goals are not out of reach at all. I do have three master degrees, with a combined 3.8 grade point average and very good GRE scores. But of course she says I can't base anything on the degrees I have. I told her that I