I haven�t rambled in a while and tonight I am going to. For the past few days I have been in a funk that has taken total control of me. I have been depressed and I have been fighting that depression with all my might, doing my best to refuse to give in to it. Prior to quitting I was not a depressed person nor was I an emotional person. I took whatever life threw at me and kept right on going. If someone told me I couldn�t do something, I would do it just to prove them wrong. I hid behind my smoke screen and I just kept right on burying all those feelings and emotions and I was tough! I could do anything I set my mind to come hell or high water.
Well folks, I quit smoking and I haven�t been that person since. I am not weak, I am strong; however, I fight to remain in control. When I began this journey the giant was the Nicodemon. I fought the cravings five minutes at a time and counted down every single hour I had been quit. I stood tall against this giant, refusing to back down. I gained confidence and pushed forward, refusing to give up. I didn�t quit gracefully like so many around here say they have. I have fought a battle. I kicked, I screamed, I cried a river of tears but I did not smoke.
As my quit has progressed, new battles have presented themselves. I have batted being tired, wanting to give up, loneliness, self pity, anxiety, depression and anger. The anger I have battled has been against myself for all the mistakes I have made in my past. Learning to deal with emotions has seemed almost impossible to me. I fight with this constantly. However, I do not smoke.
I use to want a lot. I wanted to be smoke free, I wanted to be finished with school, I wanted to be loved, I wanted a better job, I wanted more time with my children, I wanted to be a better provider for my family, I wanted to quit hiding from friends the fact that I was smoking, and I wanted a better life. I quit smoking and I have gotten all that I have ever said I wanted.
Then along comes another giant for me to battle. That giant is depression. I dig out the coping skills that quitting has taught me. I fight the battle that could cause self destruction. As I said, I�ve been fighting this giant all week. This afternoon, I decided I needed to get away,