Here I am the morning of day one and quite a date it is too, 9/11 in this part of the world as I write. My partner has decided to stop smoking with me, so it is day one for her also. I was considering going cold turkey but realised that I probably would not be able to cope with that so have both patches and lozenges. I am very pleased that I didn't cave in and put the quit date off. Last night I cleared up all the smoking bits, ash trays, lighters, cig cases etc etc, it was quite a ritual. I am so pleased I have the good people here to share this with......thank you folks for sharing your support sooooo generously. OK now I'm off to get on with the rest of my smoke free life. I'm going to really enjoy this, I'm feeling soooooo much better already having come only the tiniest way. I don't doubt the challenges will day at a time. Savvvy