OK, let's think about this for a second... a bunch of people all going through withdrawals at the same time living together for a period of a week or two! :8o:
At least here on a website, we don't have to live with each other while we are all going through withdrawals, and even though we might WANT to throw a boot (or worse) at some people on here from time to time, the worst it would do would be smash our own monitors... which would only add to the stress, of course and make withdrawals even worse! LOL!!!
Actually, I think it would be a great support system. I think a rehab for smokers is aa great idea. When the TV show "Cold Turkey" first aired, my roommate at the time and I talked about how that would be the perfect way TO quit smoking... even if there wasn't the added incentive of a cash prize if you finish the show!
If I had unlimited time and didn't have to work, I would create one myself in this town and try to help people quit smoking!
LOL!!! I know where you live and aren't there like a TOTAL of TWO PEOPLE in your town?!?!?! LOL!!!!!
Anyway, back to the subject, I think that the reason there isn't more of this is that, #1, smoking is not viewed, by the general public, as an addiction... it's simply a bad habit. If you ask anybody, smoker or never-smoker alike, to name 3 addictions, they will probably name, heroine, cocaine and alcohol, and maybe a few others here or there... but very few will name cigarettes as an addiction. It's just not viewed as such.
Also, smoking is viewed as something that you did to yourself and if you get sick, well then, it's your own damn fault for starting in the first place. I mean, let's face it... there's not a lot of sympathy (or support) out there for smokers. I know here in Missouri, something like 20% of the money that came from the tobacco settlement money that the state got actually went to smoking cessation programs... ALL of that money was SUPPOSED to go to smoking cessation and those types of programs, but it seems as though states don't see the point in spending money on these types of programs. Yes, I think that rehabs for smokers is a good idea... but I am also a realist and don't see it happening.
Crave the Quit!
p.s. Katy,
[B]My Milage: