Hi Barbara, you should be happy for yourself that you graduated college.
All I've been doing for the past month is laying in bed thinking negative thoughts too & having all these memories of my past & thoughts that keep popping up & what I could have done in life, where I should be & where in the world I'm gonna be years from now. I drank ALOT when I was younger, but I always socialized, had fun, & was able to function. I always dreamed of going to school to produce music .(Music is my life) but I kept putting it off cuz I was just working (VERY HARD) but basically p**sing my money away. Then 5 years ago.....WELCOME TO PANIC & AGORAPHBIA WORLD! I lost my job because I couldn't stand it anymore, was being yelled at by & even told by my ex-employer quote "You can't function!" I've been on disability for my condition for those past years which is really DEPRESSING the hell out of me.(really something nice to tell people especially music producers and classmates!)I feel like such a loser. I quit drinking cold turkey last November & went to college trying to keep the big lie in(my situation, medication & my SYMPTOMS!, why I didn't drink or party ) for a semsester to try to get an AS in MUSIC PRODUCTION ,14 credits rididng 2 city buses a week to get to campus taking at least 6 hours a day just getting there & back because I don't own a car(I could just imagine panicking while driving) dropped the music courses & kept only 6 credits...I went for an Office program fall semester & dropped it the 1st day because I told myself I cannot do this anymore, changed my e-mail adress because a couple of my old classmates used to IM me(younger fresh outta highscool & healthy like almost everyone else!) because they kept asking me when I was gonna work & how was the new campus,etc.
Now I'm back in my old neighboorhood more agoraphobic then ever .It's not really as much that I'm scared to get out. its even worse because everybody knows me here, & are probably thinking to themselves what is up with him?! ANytime I walk by someone I ignore them & panic, To top it all off one of my old girlfriends from highschool is visiting from outta town right across the street from me which I haven't seen for years!(with her boyfriend I guess)(from my pre-panic HELL days when I was pret