Yesterday was only the 3rd day on the Chantix already I am noticing some things I didn't expect. Even though I am smoking, total all day from 4 am to 9:30 pm was down to 8. I drove 80 miles to Memphis and back, my wife smoked while we drove, I found I wasn't bothered that much, I didn't smoke. Sense of smell. Since we don't smoke in the house, I have noticed that going out to the garage, it now smells like an ashtray. I can even smell her when she comes back in the house after she smokes. My god, do I smell like that at work to non-smokers?. Taste...I love to cook, and do so everyday for us, noticed last night preparing dinner, I could smell and taste things I dont recall before when making that particular meal. Today I start the one in the morning and one at night pills. I really think of those 8 I had yesterday, I THINK I MIGHT have needed 1, or 2. I am still dealing with the feeling of " I guess I better have one since it has been 5 or 6 hours since the last" Anyway, thanks for reading...