Dear Doug,
I have the same problem. I do not like daylight or heat which make it hard living in florida. The way I started to go out was very slow. I started 15 mins before nightfall then 30 mins 45 mins etc.... Also I wear dark glasses and it helps me to carry a cold drink like gatorade and One of those battery-operated fans that mist and blow cool air helps. I still get nervous during daylight, just take it slow. At 104 degrees you were probably VERY over-heated I get the same way. I take 12.5 Paxil CR, I weaned from 40 mils of regular and I take 0.25 Klonopin before bed and if I must go out and feel nervous, it does help me a little. This will not last forever do not worry, 2 yuears ago I was house bound, terribly agorophobic I could barely get out of bed to care for my young son, thank God I have good understanding husband. You WILL get better and recover, if I can I think anyone can, I war a real agorophobic mess, I am better now with the help of prayer, medication and a great nurse-practioner. Start slow Doug, mabey going out 5 or 10 minutes before nightfall and little by little you will get better. I am able to leave the house by 4:00 p.m. or so now. Good Luck!!!!