Not anymore!
I'm on day 10 of my Chantix script and day 5 of my quit. That stuff is just miraculous. Around day 3 I kept "forgetting" to smoke. I would be at work, look at the clock and realize it was an hour past breaktime and I hadn't even had a slight twinge of a craving. I actually forced myself to keep smoking the last 3 days before my quit date, it was making me positively ill and I was releived when the quit date arrived.
Now here I am, day 5 smoke-free and not one craving, no tears, no irratibility, just a content NON-smoker :eg: This is nothing like my cold turkey attempt 2 years ago. I made it 3 months but they were miserable months.
I want to find the guy who formulated Chantix and give him a big hug!
I have been quit for 5 Days, 20 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds (5 days). I have saved $20.37 by not smoking 146 cigarettes. I have saved 12 hours and 10 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/12/2007 12:00 AM