Crikey Folks!! Not sure how to respond as there are three recent threads that cannot be allowed to pass unacknowledged. With economy in mind, they are addressed here in a single response.
900 days is a while for sure but not as long as some and the journey continues and it continues alongside a marvellous bunch of quitters who are there for each other, always. Not a UK term but it is slowly being imported � AWESOME!! All of you!!
The weekend thread somehow got hijacked into "Pen's 900 Days Celebration" and that was never my intention! Thanks Butterfly Swimmer for putting it in its rightful place on the board!
Thank you to those who commented on either and thank you to those who commented on BOTH! The words, wherever they came were very, very special to me as indeed are the people here on this site. And thank you also to PrincessC for a most delightful and totally unexpected post, contributors on that thread certainly shook me to the core!
It seems like this post is full of thank-yous and so it should be - thank you to everyone on this site, past and present but special thanks for your kind words, in no particular order, to:-
no more cig, Cobenfan, Andy, marie, Butterfly Swimmer, Healthy3, Rob47, ter724, Mc, fagashlynne, grandma, ItsIronic, Lizzie, Mr Ed, Dutch Fini, hummybird, brentw1, stickin to it, valic, lilly, 4my2girls, Ron, KiwiKeith, 3galeh!, Jan58, Rusty, ~SweetPea~, oinkoink2u, ParrotLady, Sillyme, Deli, MissyFit, Lady, Luna, Ericon, windy, PrincessC, Sunflower, N2K. And if I missed anyone - I'd be surprised!!!
Oh, and if you are wondering where my super quit-buddy is in all of this, frantic work weekend for her but we have celebrated, albeit at a distance!! When we meet again in December, luna will be celebrating her 900 days so we will do it all again, in person! YEAH! Some reward for us both!
Finally, just the one "I" is allowed in this post and here it comes �
"I am proud to be here with you all � thank you"
Keep on Keeping On!
Penitent d902 ;)
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1237
Hours: 16
Minutes: 49
Seconds: 43
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked