Well last night started like all others, except I had to finish studying for a psychology exam that was first thing this morning. Take into consideration I've been studying for the last week for this exam, ate dinner and proceeded to commence studying. Couldn't concentrate, so started the tea-pot and consumed approximately 6 cups of decaf tea over the next three hours while trying to wake up any neural connections still left in my brain, and trying to recover any pertinent information from the last three weeks of lectures of four huge chapters that I read. About the only thing I could recall was that babies are called fetus's after 9 weeks of gestation, and I swore Freud was possibly himself hooked on the anal stage. Exam is 100 questions, so this wasn't going to cut it....after another 1 1/2 of staring blankly at all my notes, the book and 4 different practice quizes, 5 bathroom runs, I called it a night and watched CSI. When I awoke this morning, I was feeling the pressure, and I actually was craving a cig.....badly...so I threw myself in my shower (almost forgot to loose the PJ's), so that I could slap my morning patch on....comtemplated putting two patches on. Hubby got up to sit on "his thrown" shortly after I was dressed and had put my face on......and I was actually ticked off at him for that. I was mad, because my body is on strike in that department and it insists on teasing me. Never, in all my years have I ever not been able to go (my apologies to the sensitive stomache types). Its just a sick cruel joke on me. I did make it to my exam....it was all multiple choice....I did alot of process of elimination....and I should get my results this afternoon. But, I'm still smoke free and feeling much better (patch is working well right now). A special thanks to cheermom for taking my call this morning at 7:30 a.m. so that I could vent and talk to someone sane. Thank you for listening, and again, I'm fine for the moment. One good thing was my daughter and I were talking as I was driving her to school, she is so happy that I have quit smoking, and she reminded me again of the reasons I'm doing this. It is sooo worth it. Having the SSC is also priceless. Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully I made someone smile this morning.
[B]My Mi