I really feel for you hun, in your posts you have been facing your fears, driving, its been unpleasant but I keep reading and you keep plugging away at it day after day. I commend you and admire your determination and preservance.
I am wondering, maybe it's not so much the driving that is the starting force of your anxiety and panic. That under less stress, on your days off, are you able to drive ok? Reason I'm asking, in my experience with panic attacks, I cannot have anything thrust upon me at the last minute to do, the feeling extremely pressured and rushed, sends me spiraling. I wonder if its the rush of getting deliveries with a certain period of time, the go, go, go, come back, and there is MORE!!! Then go, go, go again, just absolutely no down time. Hoping we all get better soon, Im having a puny day myself, and not found my trigger yet. I too hate the thought of even having to search for what could this be, its only......today Ive not found the answer.