Even though this post is related to weight, please mods, don�t move it to the Weight Gain category, because it's about more than that. And I have another reason, I�ll tell ya why in a minute.
On January 27, when I was 26 days quit, I bought this:
[img] http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y137/sammijofl/rewardbike.jpg [/img]
I bought it as a reward, but I also bought it as an incentive.
Here�s the thing. I�ve been overweight all my life, since I was nine years old. I inherited a very slow metabolism from my mother�s side of the family, and even though I don�t eat mountains of food, I�m extremely overweight and have been for almost as long as I can remember.
Even before I quit smoking, I was eighty-five pounds overweight. After I quit, I gained fifteen more pounds, for a grand total of one-hundred. Omg, ONE HUNDRED.
I bought the bike 27 days ago because I knew I was going to have to do something! With my slow metabolism, for sure I�d need to exercise if I were going to keep from doubling in size! But guess what, I barely touched that bike for the first three weeks. I didn�t start taking it out purposefully for exercise until Tuesday of this week.
Because for the past fifteen years, at least, I�ve been pretty sedentary. My weight combined with my decreased lung capacity made it very difficult for me to sustain any type of exercise beyond a few minutes. How sad is that!? When I was younger I used to be very active (even though I was heavy) but somehow over the years I got lazier and less mobile.
I was afraid to ride that bike. Even though I live in Florida (where the terrain is very flat), I happen to live in a neighborhood where there are several hilly areas. I thought I would hyperventilate or have a stroke or heart attack. At the very least, I thought I would embarrass myself by having to stop and lay down on the sidewalk or something!
I knew I needed to start dieting too, but I was avoiding it. If I didn�t exercise, dieting would be a waste of effort, I knew that from experience. So I wouldn�t even click on the Weight Gain category at this site because I didn�t want to read any of those threads. They�d just make me feel guilty. But then everything changed.
What brought about a change?
I went to Kansas