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The Quit Process that Worked for you - How did you do it?

for 18 år siden 0 449 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
For me, the journal has been helping. And reading, I've read so much, I'm guilty of doing not much else but reading. But it's what I need to do right now and thankfully my husband understands and is taking care of the house. He needs to stay busy, he's strong-willed. I need to keep reinforcing my determination. Marie [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/3/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 3 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 105 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $22.5 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 24 [B]Seconds:[/B] 49
for 18 år siden 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was going to quit for Christmas... my present to myself. Well, it didn't happen -- my excuse is that we were traveling. So...New Year's Day was my goal. I got on the internet once again looking for information. I found this website, and I started reading, working through everything, reading, reading, reading, and I was more than 100% ready to quit right then! I finished that particular day at 6 cigarettes, threw out the rest (as in broke them and wet them under the faucet), and never looked back. The SSC and all the info here, and stories from others has been invaluable! I really think it was the key to help me over that last little hurdle. I haven't mourned for my cigarettes. I'm glad to be done... and know I'm going to have to work at replacements, rewards, etc. over the months to come. I'll keep coming here, but I have no desire to smoke. I am missing something I used to do... but do I really want to smoke? No. I don't. I simply need to find how to release a little tension other than gritting my teeth and letting my neck get stiff. To help? I'll be rewarded with a massage next week! This was way too long. Guess you can always stop reading it though! lol [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 12/31/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 5 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 58 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $9.65 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 13 [B]Seconds:[/B] 3
for 18 år siden 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
For me the financial burden of a $10 a day habit was what motivated me to quit and with retirement just a year away there are going to be better things to spend my money on,also healthwise i'll probably live longer to enjoy these things that will include some kind of fishing boat,small motorbike,country cottage,camping,and more than 2 weeks per winter in Florida to name a few. After 40yrs of smoking Yes i have cravings for my cigarillos but i just tell myself to get over it as buying the damn things is just not an option at this point in my life.. Last cigar was after the turkey at Christmas..
for 18 år siden 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I did a lot of reading and thinking and reading and thinking. I read Allan Carr's "Easy Way To Stop Smoking" which was really helpful in that it's written from the smoker's point of view - and helps you better understand the habit and addiction. No scare tactics or lecturing, he just tells it like it is. I roamed the internet reading about NRT's and the different approaches other people used to stop smoking. All of that studying helped me to change my mind set about stopping smoking, and I no longer feared going through withdrawal or the cravings because I knew they'd pass soon enough. I also realized that time really does go by quickly - and I asked myself "Do you want to still be smoking 4 months from now because before you know it, 4 months will have passed...all that time wasted smoking...when you could have stopped today?". I also decided not to drastically alter my daily routine because I really enjoy my routine! The only change I made was to not smoke. For me, the triggers were no more difficult than they would have been if I actively tried to avoid them. I chose to just meet them head on...and beat them! Now, 14 days later, I'm smoke free and time has zoomed by, despite the inital cravings and withdrawal! I've felt a heck of a lot worse getting over a cold than getting through ciggie withdrawal! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 12/23/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 14 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 592 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $140 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 1 [B]Hrs:[/B] 11 [B]Mins:[/B] 31 [B]Seconds:[/B] 29
for 18 år siden 0 983 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great topic, For me...I have tried so many times in the past, when I came across this website on 11/6....I set my quit date for 11/7. I had the desire, and I just went for it. I did not preplan, but for me, this process worked. I just threw myself into it before I could talk myself out of it. I quickly worked through the tools on this website, listed my reasons for my quit, set goals, listed rewards and read, read, read, and lived on the SSC the first 6 weeks. Attitude is everything. You have to make the realization that you CAN live without smoking. Your life will go on just as it had done all your life. There is life after smoking, so many long time quitter's on the SSC are proof of that. Kaiti [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 11/7/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 59 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,309 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $324.5 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 5 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 56 [B]Seconds:[/B] 47
for 18 år siden 0 1985 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First and foremost determine the reasons that you want to and must quit for. I knew, both mentally and physically, that I looked forward to smoking most of the time. I could have smoked for the rest of my life, but I was worried about the toll that smoking was inflicting upon me and concerned for my loved ones that I would prematurely leave behind. Before you quit 1)Identify and make a list of your reasons for quitting. 2)Identify and make a list of your smoking triggers (the one after a meal, on the telephone, in the car, the walk into work, the ones with the smoking buds at work) know them and know them well. 3)Provide yourself with coping mechanisms for the smoking triggers in step two above (i.e. drink water in the car, rather than smoke). 4)Establish a quit date, when you are least likely to be under stress, one week, two weeks or month in advance. 5)Have your NRT on hand (it works for most and is easier than doing the turkey) optional. 6) Start cutting back on the smoking right now and all the way up to your quit date (practice, practice, practice). 6a) Don�t smoke those cigs that you really don�t have to have. The ones you just light up because you happen to be with someone who decides to light up or the time of the day says its time to have one. 6b)Start denying yourself, one by one and at your own pace, the smokes that come about from the smoking triggers that you have identified in step 2 above. 6c)Cut back as much as possible before the quit date. If this is possible for you, it will make your quit easier. On quit day and until you are well use all your coping tools, keep busy and just say no. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/22/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 348 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 5,228 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $1827 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 64 [B]Hrs:[/B] 17 [B]Mins:[/B] 52 [B]Seconds:[/B] 34
for 18 år siden 0 1985 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Others that have some process or scheme that is helping them stay quit or helped them to quit?
for 18 år siden 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing your process with us. We would also like to hear from others and what worked for them. This is a great informational thread and can help everyone through :) Thanks Stickin, Josie _____________________ The SSC Support Team.

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