Due to incredible demand (and thanks to an awesome supply), this program seems to be a success, so much so that the old thread was getting WAY too long, so I thought it was time to start a new one.
Here's the most recent list from the old thread as to who is willing to be a mentor and who wants one. If you're on either of these two lists and feel that you don't want to be, then please post that so that we can take your name off.
Mentors available: Mr Ed, Riverdale Man, Ron, Islandgirl, Chickstarr, Free, Grace,Deli, Katy, N2K, ParrotLady, Fagashlynne, Cheermom, Phil
Mentors needed: Pinktexas, Wackydog, Stormy, Precious27, Misey1, Glory, Sissy, Chicknoodle, gyspsycatcat, poodle lady, simplesong, jaset, missthing1974, Dorothy
Also, of course, anybody who would like a mentor or would like to BE a mentor, please post that. I have found that it seems to help the most if the people who are willing to be mentors pick somebody off the list instead of just saying "I'll be a mentor." I would hope that the older quitters would take some of the responsibility and choose somebody off the list.
Here's the original post in the old thread, to keep it going:
Based on Mr. Ed's wonderful idea, I am starting a thread for anyone who would like a mentor. If you are a new quitter, or perhaps a midterm quitter who is still struggling and would find benefit with having a more experienced quitter to help you along, please post here and hopefully at least one older quitter will post in response to you and the match can be made. If you have any preference as to the type of older quitter you are looking for, such as somebody who is your similar age or gender, then post that too. Of course, anyone can help anyone, but if you have preferences, then we can all try to accomodate that. The best way then to match up is to use the SSC Messenger, since we can't post our email addresses here, so if you haven't yet downloaded the messenger, try to do that so that we can assist you. If you can't get the messenger to work, then we will have to try to find another way to get you matched up or try to get you help with downloading it, but please at least try to download it first so you can talk with your mentor there and then share email and/or messenger IDs.
Mr. Ed, I hope I a