Hi there.
I just found this site and I'm rather impressed with it! Some of the sites out there don't really help people with this disorder.
I've had PD now for over twenty years, and I'm not yet thirty five. I was diagnosed at fourteen.
Things have been really good, and really bad, good, then the worst ever, then better...you know the deal.
What I'm curious to know is....did any of your panic attacks change in how they manifested? Mine always were long, and slowly rolled in to a panic attack(then all hell broke loose- inside me, noone new on the outisde). now? My attacks hit me all of a sudden- with that sudden "OMG!" but..with no reason. Before, I'd be anxious for no reason, but they never hit so 'fast'.
My doc said this can happen, so I was just wondering if any of you had noticed changes?