I haven�t been around for a while now and thought maybe I should drop by with an explanation. There are so many that I have tried to help along the way and I know I kind of just vanished on you. For that I apologize.
Saturday night, I received a dreaded middle of the night phone call. My best friend�s 20 year old son was killed in a head on collision by a drunk driver. This child grew up with my daughter and is like a son to me. We buried him yesterday and that was one of the toughest things I have ever experienced. I supported my friend who kept saying �I can�t do this today�; my daughter who totally fell apart; my son who was grieving quietly, said my own good byes; as well as played in a brass band as a tribute to the boy/man that was no longer a part of the group or this world.
On Monday I was informed that my job has been eliminated. I have been given another position with the same company; however, it is in an area that I do not have any experience in. I have to learn a whole new skill set in very limited time.
To say that smoking hasn�t crossed my mind since Saturday night would be a lie. I have entertained the thought quite a few times however have chosen to ignore the desire for escape though a cigarette. The junkie never dies but deep inside I know that escape is no longer available to me.
Quitting has taught me how to put one foot in front of the other and march forward no matter how difficult the circumstances. I have cried many tears, and they are still falling. My heart is broken and I don�t understand all that is going on around me. Making it from one moment to the next is about all I can do right now. I know that smoking won�t solve a thing and that life does go on.
For those that feel I abandoned you please accept my apology. I will try to be back soon. Please do not think I am ignoring you. I am just having a really rough time right now. I will answer your emails as soon as I can. Please hang in there. There are so many around here that can help you through those rough patches. Just reach out and you will find support. That is what this community is all about. Congratulations to everyone on each smoke free day that is on your meter, be it a thousand or one, it is precious. Hold on to your quits no mat