Well day 14 is coming to end. Some thoughts from the past 2 weeks of not smoking:
Everyone in my family is still present and accounted for...nobody was killed and no bodies were hidden. Nobody is getting any psychological counseling because of my erotic mood swings the first three days, and I have made nice nice with the sock basket from hell. All family members are being supportive (except for the occasional, let's get mom's goat teasing session) This is good.
I have purchased many rewards for myself including: Lavender sugar scrub, one CD for my car, one car air freshner, two magazines, and one book, and three boxes of tea...ok, so I'm spending more in rewards than I might have in cigs....but I'm worth it....
Health wise: I can smell and taste better already. I'm sleeping like a log through the night, my smoker's cough is completely gone (I was coughing all day and all night before I quit). Ok, not to be gross, but I am occasionally through out the day getting rid of the gunk in my lungs. It's really really disgusting, but it's not associated with a cough, it's more of a clearing of the throat event, ecspecially after I shower. I've read in these pages that this is very good...so I'm happy. My complexion is a really big change. I don't have bags under my eyes or the dark circles. My husband noticed this right away. I'm not out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs, and I'm contemplating starting an easy exercise routine this week. I was afraid to do this before because let's face it, we would have a cig before exercising, then immediately following exercising and honestly I was afraid of having a heart attack..I don't have that fear now. I will start out slowly.
Mentally: I like being a non-smoker, even though I feel as though a good friend has died and I'm in mourning. Like with any death, I have to go through all the firsts. First car ride with no cig, first break at work with no cig, first large meal with no cig after words. I'm over most of these every day triggers at this point in time, but future trigger's, first thanksgiving, first christmas...first New Year's Eve (oh how they will be missed New Years), and I'm sure there will be other "firsts" where the craving will hit, and I will have to be strong. Time and det