I also get nauseous when I get in my car to go somewhere, which makes me especially anxious about riding in a car with someone else. When I am in my car I chew mint gum (like mentioned by the others). I also carry cold bottled water to sip. This sounds silly, but I have a CD I made in my car of different songs that I love. When I feel sick I turn it on and sing and try to make it as fun as I can. It helps distract me and I feel more relaxed. It's worth a try! Let me know if it helps!
Shannon is right about the peppermints. Its been proven that they help relieve nausea. Thats why all the stomach rememdies are mint flavored and restaurants give out after dinner mints.
I do have a fear of throwing up.. I have never actually thrown up and also carry bags etc in the car, though lately I have been 'gagging'.. where before I was just very nauseated.
I will try to find some ginger tea and try the crackers thing as well. I really appreciate your quick replies.
Hello Kit,
Try some hot tea and toast or crackers in the morning. This helps me when I have an upset stomach. I've also heard that ginger works for nausea but I don't know how much or in what form - I think you may be able to find "ginger" tea. Good luck - I'm sure it will all pass soon.
Kit, Do you have a fear that you might throw-up? I have had that fear and what has helped me is to suck on a pepper-mint, or chew gum. When I first had this feeling I carried a grocery bag in my car just in case. I have never thrown up, and the nausea goes away once I get out of the house, it took a little while but it does go away. Hope I helped.
Shannon :blush:
When I have my anxious thoughts or panic attacks it is usually the nausea that keeps me from moving forward or doing anything. I've tried the wristbands and dramamine.. nothing.
Right now this is pretty much keeping me home and frankly I'd like to get out of here sometime.