Hey Kim, Congraulations on almost 7 months smoke free, You can't make a U-TURN and go back smoking now, For You are at the point of No-Return, Did You ever see that Movie, '''The River Of No Return,'' with Robert Mitchum and Marilyn Monroe,'' Well this Stop Smoking Center is a little bit like that also, If I'm not mistaken, when I got to 7 months, I sort of put myself into Overdrive, And I threw up so much dust behind me, that Nickedemon started coughing and gagging, and He didn't have a chance of catching me, And that's the way You got to do Kim, It's like getting the Eye of the Tiger, You remember Rocky Balboa, You find that Hidden strength Inside You, And tell Yourself, You will NOT be denied Victory, I think they call it Positive Attitude Kim, Once You get that, You don't loose it for All the tea in China, Its like jumping out of a plane without a parachute, to not have Positive Attitude with You 24 hours aday, The People on this website gave it to me when I started my quit, I've never lost it, Almost 4 years now, Oh I've got this milk shake straw sticking out of the corner of my mouth, But at least I don't smell like a smoke-shop, Good Luck Kim, You can do it, I have faith in Ya, Smokless In Oklahoma :)
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 814
Hours: 11
Minutes: 40
Seconds: 17
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked