I couldn't sleep last night (not because of quitting) - just wired from working too hard. But, I was thinking about SSC and it's members as I tossed. I remember day one, two and three of my quit and I felt so guilty for spending a good 3 commited days sitting on this site reading and frantically posting. I stayed up until 3-4 am. I didn't go out, I didn't work (called in sick) and I barely talked to my husband..........absorbing all the great advice, knowledge, and experience here whilst learning about my addiction. I remember how I sweat through that first 24 hours. I cried for the next week.
If you're able to, can afford the time (as someone said to me how could I "not afford" the time), just hang around and read, even if you have to stay glued for hours on end. And of course, the tools and read the Hall of Fame, Anniversary Celebrations, Public Pledges.
I have received some great advice in 40 days, but that advice was the best - something like "don't beat yourself up for being on line all day - best time ever spent". It was and still is. Thanks to those who flew down to my rescue on January 3.
Good luck,
PS: Imallclear, if you happen to read this, I spent a good 1/2 hour at 4 am laughing about your hopeful dusting addiction. My gosh, it was so funny to me.