Since I joined this site, I've read several posts from folks who said they'd had some type of family function or get-together and that it was really hard, that they had a VERY tough time with not smoking.
My family only usually gets together on holidays. Because I quit on New Year's Eve, there hasn't been a holiday since, so I haven't been around them. Well, yesterday was my mother's birthday party (80 years young!).
I was actually looking forward to "bragging" to everyone about my quit! We have a really large family, and there were only two of us that smoked (well, now there's only one), so I knew that my brothers and sister and cousins and nieces and nephews (and my mom) were going to be really happy for me. And they were, and that was really cool! But...
About a half an hour after we got there, I was hit with this major crave! The only family member who still smokes (one of my sisters) was there and she walked past and I smelled the stale smoke on her and almost gagged but STILL I was jonesing for a cigarette myself!
Even though I'd read these other similar posts, I totally did not expect to get hit with it myself - not with my family being 99% nonsmokers. So I started wondering (right there at the party while I was still experiencing it) WHAT is causing this?!
Is it some kind of family-related stress that I never learned to cope with, without a smoke? (Because even though everyone was being nicey-nice and getting along yesterday, there IS history there of not-so-nice times between certain family members and so there's just always this kind of low level of tension, ya know?) So yeah I suppose it could be that a little bit, but it didn't feel exactly right. Close, but not exactly.
Is it just a "habit," a trigger borne from years and years of "this is what I do a half-hour into a family event?" I've dealt with the habit thing in every part of my life, like driving, being on the computer, etc., and I did that during hell week and heck week and got it over and in the past. But since we hadn't had a family event yet, I hadn't had a chance to go through it yet. Yeah, that all was true, but it still wasn't exactly the issue. Everyone is different, but I finally think I figured out what caused it for me.
I took a step outside.