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The Magic Ship Continues!

for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[size=4]***Quick, somebody call the cops......some very obvious things are being stolen right from underneath our noses***[/size] He he he....got your attention huh??? Ok people here's what's gone missing....Please add anything to this list that I've failed to notice is gone. Darn theives!!! 1. Half of my belly!!!! What you say??? Yes, woke up this morning and realized that my belly is shrinking!!! Have you seen it anywhere? 2. Those yellow bags under my eyes are gone....who could have gotten away with those and I didn't even see them sneaking up on me. 3. Most of my (cover your eyes gents) fat dimples on my a$$ have quit smiling at me in the mirror!!! Guess they didn't like me anymore ;( 4. Some of my smokers lip took off looking for my a$$ dimples!!! Whew, don't report that stolen please...I won't be missing the wrinkles on my smoocher! 5. Alright...who would have wanted my wrinkled old lady hands??? Ok, they're not that young but holy cow batman, robin and gotham city, I did'nt even mosturize today! 6. Where's my brown tounge and who the heck left all the pink inside my mouth???? 7. Is this a wig??? How come my hair isn't all greasy and stringy just a few hours after I wash it??? Who the heck stole that old hair??? 8. Yegads.......some of the yellow got ripped right off my teeth!!! 9. Wot??? Where's that rough scaley skin that lived on my elbows??? 10. Somebody snuck in here yesterday and ran off with all...let me repeat....alll.....that's every last single one...of my cravings. SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! I didn't even notice it till today!!! 11. I'M REALLY TICKED ABOUT THIS ONE AND I WANT IT BACK RIGHT THE VERY SECOND YOU FIND IT!!! Cover the gents ears and their eyes...somebody took a little somethin, somethin off the...well you know girls...upper frontal region of my body.....this is not funny, bring 'em back you rotten theives.... :eg: :eg: ... Please report all stolen merchandise promply to the Magic Police. Magic reward may be given for any information leading to a conviction or return of certain missing propery. Pat First mate and head of security Magic Ship ***Magicstoppers commercial airs with this musical lead in*** Bad boys bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they
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for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Cap'n, Shipmates and all you visitors on the Magic Ship! Well now, I guess we all had fun yesterday huh? Whew, all the beads, the great cryin blues, excercise and walking, wonderful conversations, tastey new foods and planning new destinations and entertainment, wow...all good people, all good. :) It's still early here for me...still a bit tired so no sense of ha ha yet. Will check back in with everyone a little later. Gotta start jogging around my block to catch up to all you walkers! Hope you're all having a great day and keep me posted please. Pat First Mate ***tightens up the laces on her runners and waltzes out the door singing quitely as she jogs into the rising sun*** Does your mother tell you things? Long, long when I'm gone? Who you talking to? Is she telling you I'm the one? It's a grave mistake and I'm wide awake Drive-In's rained out Weatherman wet-fingers the sky He pokes it out, he pulls it in He don't know why It's the same mistake It's been a long time running It's been a long time coming It's well worth the wait -The Tragically Hip [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 24 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 978 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $336 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 2 [B]Hrs:[/B] 20 [B]Mins:[/B] 36 [B]Seconds:[/B] 41
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Everyone�wow we�ve got a lot going on today people! Happy Birthday Faith�..sit back, relax, enjoy the cake, the drinks, and the show!!! Congratulations Rainie!!! You�re the bestest ever serving wench and shipmate�keep up the great job you�re doing�you inspire me girlfriend and I thank you for sailing with me :) Now it�s still the middle of the night for me but I wanted to make sure I wished everyone a special day. Soon, we�re going to have to have a special Magic thread in Stats Parade just for the members of our crew�it�s getting hard to keep up with all our celebrations, so if we miss any please SHOUT IT OUT TO US!!! All this exercise going on is really inspiring me. I have been doing a short daily walk and last night I counted steps�not impressive by anyone else�s standards but holey moley�I�ve been doing at least 2445 steps a day and that calculates into just over � a mile! I�ve been doing my beach walk on the weekends when the rain permits and have walked approximately 12.5 miles along the shoreline over 2 weekends. I used to be a potato chip, chocolate-covered-almond eating couch potato/computer geek whose motto was�Why walk when you can ride? When I quit smoking I substituted celery, carrot sticks and fruit for those junk foods and when I need a sugar fix it�s a 50 calorie strawberry licorice. Hee hee, so I guess it�s no wonder some body parts have gone missing�.. Have an awesome day today everyone�.will check back in for all the parties later! Pat, First mate and talent show promoter Magic Ship ***wanders back down to her private cabin singing dreamily*** We were born before the wind Also younger than the sun Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic Hark, now hear the sailors cry Smell the sea and feel the sky Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic -Van Morrison [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 25 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,010 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $350 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 2 [B]Hrs:[/B] 22 [B]Mins:[/B] 50 [B]Seconds:[/B] 36
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone�.I had a really nice normal reply ready a while ago, went to hit the reply button and my pc threw up��..either this sickness is catching or my pc doesn�t like me when I�m normal anymore. Now that we�ve got medical help onboard I�m not even going to try to stay sane lol, (Nurse29�I gave you wine and chocolate and a really nice welcome but my computer drank and ate them when it got sick) as we now have a professional who can get us the mental health we might need. This ship is just rocking and rolling today! Whew, lots of action happening. Sorry that Faith and Rainie are under the weather�.come on to the lounge sweeties, you can curl up on the big sofas with your blankies and I�ll bring fluids and chicken soup while we watch Survivor and get our weekly fix of Luka tonight before the talent show. *****ATTENTION: ALL WENCHES OF THE MAGIC SHIP (that�s every last one of us girls, you know there�s too many of us to name individually now but) ��WE MUST ALL BOW TO OUR CAPTAIN!******* He�s hired THE CHIPPENDALES just for us!!!!!!! I repeat ********THE CHIPPENDALES*********OOOOWWWEEEE It�s gonna be some talent show we see tonight! I highly recommend we postpone all our own efforts to entertain, and just sit back and allow those twinkley eyed fellas to get onstage and do what they do best, just for us. All in favor say AYE! All not in favor must stay below decks for the entire evening. Hint hint, wink wink�like any of you would do that, hee hee�if you do, we�ll have the nurse check out what happened to your brain in the morning�.ready to start the music Freemom? Good call Cap�n MMM�.you sure know how to reward all us wenches with all the hard work we been doing to keep this ship smoke free and sailing on the straight and narrow. We surely will miss you this evening ;-) and we�re so sorry you won�t be having as much fun as we will be, but you know it�s time for the wenches to have their odds upped for at least one night ;-) and we�ll all be really happy to see you when you get back (bring leftover beads if you have any�the girls might still want some hee hee). Captain, just before you head ashore, would you mind having a small glass of rum and setting the mood for our party by blowing us one of your famous blues tunes? Not
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for 17 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
***doing handstands, cartwheels, spinning, laughing, skipping, jumping, and giggling all the way down the deck with pictures (of Rio and dancers and Vegas and other really good stuff) waving wildly in both hands and arms stretched wide open to give sista Rainie a huge WELCOME HOME**** ((((squeezing her tightly HUGGSS and KISSES on her rosy suntanned cheeks)))) Good Morning Captain Mr. Magic, shipmates, visitors and seagulls, Yowsers everyone�.isn�t it so good to have our bestest everest servin wench, our mostest delightful sugar pie hunny bunches of cutie petutie smiley faced leather wearing biker babe supremely divine Rainie baby back amongst us???? Ah�yes we missed ya sista and even if you don�t have as much time to post, please don�t run off again for a whole week ok??? Now, sit right down here, have a long tall cold glass of deliciousness with a tiny umbrella, an enormous slice of our very best whipped dark chocolate, pull out yer pictures sweetness and DISH for just a few minutes when you get a chance!!! Ooooo we had so much fun in Rio and Vegas�an we�re so sorry you missed the Chips but Cap�n will have his people call them back for us soon. We took all these pics for you�shhh...we�re not sure but we think this is Phil in the middle row right here second from the left�and don�t all us wenches look divine in our boas and showgirl outfits�oh an here�s a few shots of the Captain and our new shipmates Jimmy and Hubby29 gamblin in their speedos�sorry though, Faith and MomMom are holdin out on the Vegas pics but I think they had some bad girl fun�so you can decide if Rio/Vegas is more fun than Daytona biker week. Oh it�s so good to have you back Rainie! Faith, Julie, Kygirl, MomMom, Nurse29, Lynne, Freemom (when you get back and Rainie if you find a few extra minutes), or any of our regular or future lady type visitors�I�m gonna need some extra party planning help here on the Magic Ship from all y�all for a while too. I�ve been off fighting nasty ole pirates lately as ya know but when I wasn�t lookin, they up and ran off with all the first mates loot!!! So arrggggghhhh, in addition to my generous tipping habits�wink wink�and the cost of chocolate and bubbly, I decided that I must take a good job offer starting today�yipeee I�s gonna have f
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    Smoke Free Days

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 17 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ahoy Shipmates!!! Whew, busy day today for all of us. I am just catching up on the posts. Seems like we do need to sit down in our lounge chairs, have a nice glass of wine, nibble on some chocolate and decide what to do about our "Magic Ship". I for one am not wanting jump off our ship or to set it afloat at sea, though honestly I don�t have nearly enough time to contribute since I'm back to work. Rainie, your idea to start a new thread and change the name might be just the ticket. I�d like to request that �Magic� still be in the name somewhere out of respect for the Captain who's helped us sail the stormy seas of our quits. So, may I suggest we wait to hear from our Cap�n Mr.Magic before we make any decisions? I know we're all doing amazingly well on our journey to the Land Of Quit, but it's a really big ocean and I would appreciate having a place where I can talk with my good Magic friends. C'mon shipmates...give us your ideas...and perhaps the good Mr.Magic will find time away from his job to ponder this situation and give us his opinion. Pat First Mate ****hurries below decks to turn on American Idol while singing like no one can hear her*** A friend of mine once told me And I know he knows all about feelin' down He said everything good in life you've got to pay for But feelin' good is what you're paving the way for So, don't let it get you down, my friend though it seems the blues will never end On this you can depend, they always do And I can tell you that it's true it's a feeling that can't be beat And you've got to do it You've got to take the bitter with the sweet -Carol King [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/28/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 45 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,838 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $630 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 5 [B]Hrs:[/B] 8 [B]Mins:[/B] 47 [B]Seconds:[/B] 53
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 17 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
***Pat wanders above decks having just cleaned up the mess from last night's blowout bash with the Chips on board for Faith's party*** Good evening Cap'n, shipmates and all our visitors. Sorry I couldn't make the flight to Vegas...sure hope you're taking tons of pictures with the camera for me. I spent all my money on tipping the dancers, but it was worth every 1, 5 and 10 I had and ;)I'm saving my money for next time the Cap'n calls his people for us to have a party with our favorite dancin boys (thanks again Cap'n, you know's your wenches by now, :eg: so you knows you'll be makin the call again before too long). WAHOOOOO, Rainie's gonna looooove the pictures we took for her last night ladies!!! Hey, was that Phil in the middle row, second from the end last night??? It's so hard to tell with all the dancin boys wearing carnival masks like that... ;)...you don't suppose Phil'd be hiding from us do you? Hey now Phil, WE ARE NOT TOTALY INSANE on board the magic ship........not even one of us are smokers, so there, that settles that.....and we's glad ya love it mate. JT, So sorry your day was so long and stressful. I'm so glad you worked your way past the tight spot :)...here's a whole boat load of (((Hugs))) and exta voices to put in your pocket in case it happens again. Did you know that being hungry can make you have cravings or feel like a craving? Of course you did...so please start eating your regular meals and being kind to yourself woman! What was your last reward and what is the next one going to be??? Rainie and all your shipmates do not want you or anyone else walking any planks around here so vent whenever you need to and keep kicking that ash! Faith, sweetie pie hunny bunches...don't look down :8o: but aye caraummbaa, some of your numbers are making my head spin!!! Holy cow...Batman, Robyn and Gotham City are all on their feet cheering those amazing stats! MomMom, can you please watch Faith's back at the tables in Vegas for me? He he he... :eg: I had to postpone my trip to V E G A S with you due to....ah...financial hardships caused by...ah...well...circumstances that were not in my...shall we say....complete control. Arrghhh, it's problem for some of us wenches have because we don't have grandchildren, boats,
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 17 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Evening Cap'n, Shipmates and Visitors aboard the Magic. I'm posting in a little different style tonight...hee hee, not to worry...I'm not gonna give the mods more work to do, at least not tonight. Was reading some threads here at SSC today and thought some of our visitors might appreciate some upbeat info on how to get past and cope with some cravings. Wowsers peoples, it's hard to believe that the three :) :) :) original Magic Shipmates have already sailed past the 6 week mark on our journey to The Land Of Quit. We've been joined since day one by some really, really wonderful people all in different stages of quitting. We've had lots of vistors on board too and I thought it was time to share some of our coping skills for anyone who's dropping in for the first time. Yes, at first read the Magic Ship may seem like a silly boat floating amilessly at sea, but trust me there really are magic methods on our party ship. I'm going to start a list of how I think we've gotten this far and I sure hope my shipmates will add to this list. I for one could not have gotten this far so easily without the Magic Ship. Ok, here's my list: -Positive attitudes, (Rainie preaches this to us all the time...thanks sista) yes it's important to all of us that we stay positive and if we're having a bad day we reach out for a shipmate to show us our glass is half-full and it always has our favorite drink inside. -Everyone has a job to do (the Captain, Mr.Magic will not allow slackers on board...but oh how well he likes to reward his crew), it doesn't matter what your job is as long as it's encouraging our shipmates in our no smoking policy. We use these jobs of ours everyday to help and encourage each other, whether it's in a song, a joke, a story, a lecture, or just a hello. -Laughter, (everyone including the first mate is trying...feel free to help us out please) it's impossible to think of a craving when you're laughing yourself silly or trying to think of something funny....go ahead, give it a try...it's no joke, it really works well! -Milestones, we try to celebrate them all as every single one is so very special. We dance, we sing, we eat, we laugh, we sail to special ports of call, we do all the things we can to celebrate every suc
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 17 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Freemom, Thank you for your honesty once again to all your shipmates. I for one really appreciate that, though I am still saddened to hear your news. I am not giving you a pokin sweetie, because you left the ship before you started smoking again. I know I�ve been away a lot myself lately fighting pirates of my own, but the whole magic ship is set up for anyone of us having a difficult time to reach out for help and support before we fall overboard. Unfortunately, I must remind you that when you come back onboard you must promise me solemnly to never, ever smoke again without reaching out for support from one of us first. Only you can stop smoking for you and I belive you see this now. When you are ready, I will be here to help in any way I can. Freemom, I care about you and want to see you have a successful quit. I have copied some information from an old post of mine I wrote a couple weeks before my quit date. I hope it might be helpful for you. I truly believe my quit has been successfully working for me due to this mindset, preparedness and the support from all these wonderful, special people on the Magic Ship. Your friend and first mate, Pat Jan 19, 2007 A lot has changed since I've started posting. The biggest change has been taking the advice to read a certain book. I wanted to quit the second I read the last page, but knew I'd have an even better chance by getting all those little duckies lined up and reading that book a couple more times. Here are some big changes in me since I joined this site: -I am no longer dreading the physical withdrawals of this quit but am preparing for them and planning to celebrate when I beat them down -I know it's not going to be a cakewalk, but I'm stronger than the addiction and am willing to do whatever it takes to quit -I know I can do it now, I'm not attempting to quit, I'm quitting and I look forward to being smoke free -I am no longer doing this alone, I can come here day or night and someone will be awake to listen or offer advice and support Here are important facts I've learned and things I've accepted about myself instead of denying: -Nicotine is a drug and I am an addict but I am not powerless -Nicotine is not my friend, does not make me feel better and is
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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

for 18 år siden 0 925 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Evening Cap�n, Shipmates and any visitors here for our big party this coming weekend. WAHOOOOOOO, we loves our parties on the Magic Ship!!! Julie, you�ve gone above and beyond the call of duty keeping track of all the milestones on board this past week....you�re the bestest ever exercise coach and cheerer-onner of our no smokin, no pokin celebrations! Here, have an extra large Dr. P and some fudge on me... :)...and remember on the Magic our food and drink are all calorie free and our cups are bottomless, so drink as much as you like. (Hey, shhhh hope you eakspay piglatin�.if not, I can translate in private�. on�tday elltay aithFay, but do you think you could aketay ynneLay aside and see if she�ll ishday to you in private about the eachbay, since you�re more than halfway there already?) He he he, don�t worry Julie or anyone else, we�re not ever shaving our glorious locks on the Magic as the Cap�n and all our men on board have tons of hair and they all look great in their speedos. Lynne, we�re so glad you�re feeling good and that your weather is great in the UK! Are you sure you couldn�t divulge just a little information about the beach to Julie :) she�s over halfway there already! I�m sure she�ll keep anything you say to her a secret. :) whisper, whisper�.sand�..waves��drinks with umbrellas�..cabanas��sunsets�.whisper, whisper. Jimmy The Mick... A big WELCOME ABOARD the Magic Ship...the Captain�s been needing an extra guy around here (despite him liking the ratio, it's been out of balance especially since Phil seems to have fallen overboard. Arggghhh, the magic wenches tend to get a little unruly when there�s only one fella around to keep them busy. Here, have a cold drink, pull up a chair and tell us all about your gambling trip to Vegas next week! You have no need to worry about the smokers everywhere there, cause you don�t smoke anymore and haven�t for over 55 days! I don't think you'll run into any trouble, so long as you remember NOPE. We�ve heard there�s other stuff that can happen in Vegas...but so as long as you�re not smokin, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ok? Unless of course it�s tons of fun and you want to share with your new shipmates. We�re goin to the races there on the weekend...you can fly down with
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