Short-term health benefits
You might know that there are meaningful benefits of quitting that begin after 24 hours. Within the first day your blood pressure and pulse return to normal, and your blood�s oxygen and carbon monoxide levels return to normal. This means you have reduced your risk of having a heart attack in just one day.
Within two days, your sense of smell and taste improves. And after three days your breathing becomes easier and your lung capacity increases.
Within four weeks your blood circulation improves and your lungs work better. Soon after, walking becomes easier, your energy level increases, and your coughing and sinus congestion decrease.
After a year, your risk of heart disease is only half that of someone who continues to smoke.
Long-term health benefits
The long term benefits of quitting smoking are surprising to many smokers. Did you know that the damage done by years of smoking can be reversed? It�s true.
After one year, your risk of heart disease is only half that of someone who continues to smoke.
Within three years of quitting, your risk of a heart attack is about the same as someone who has never smoked.
Within five years, your risk of developing cancers of the mouth, esophagus, throat, and bladder decrease by 50%.
After 10 years of being smoke-free you reap big benefits. Your pre-cancerous cells are replaced by healthy normal cells and your chances of getting lung cancer are reduced by 50-70%.
And, after 15 years of smoke-free living your life expectancy is similar to someone who has never smoked.