Hi bobbie,, my quit date is the 18th. that is on the chantix program,, scared as can be as been heavy smoker over 30 years,,, but have been able to really cut back past couple of weeks,, from 3 to 10 cig a day and that is pretty good, hoping in 3 more days i wont want any,,,, they stay on your mind tho, i breathe deep a lot,, drink 5 or 6 bottles of water a day,,, suck on hard candy, took empty pack of cig,,, filled it with chewing gum,,, laid it beside favorite chair and when i set down and want a cig, pick up that package and all i have is gum,,,,so i chew it, and cut back some like that,,,,, good luck on the 27th dont know if you heavy smoker or just now and than, but whichever hope we both and all here can lay them down,, before they do more damage,,,,, best of luck,,,,,,,,