Well, I took my last Chantix on Monday. That was the end of my 12 week program and I've now been Chantix-free for three days (including today). I am happy to report that so far I have had ZERO side effects or withdrawal from stopping the chantix. The only time I even notice is when I think in a panic "oh no, forgot to take my pill again!" and then remember I'm done with the pills. (I was forgetting my evening pill quite often in the last few weeks).
I have also had zero increased urge to smoke. Cravings are still pretty much non-existent except for times when I do something for the "first time" as a non-smoker. Then I find I think A LOT about the fact that I'm not smoking but I don't get so far as *craving*.
As I've said in other posts, I've really taken advantage of Chantix to shove behavioral changes down my own throat and to broaden my non-smoking comfort zones whether I liked it or not! I think that has made all the difference in my attitude this time and I credit my ability to do that to Chantix.
Off for a camping trip this weekend with a group of friends to celebrate someone's birthday. It's an annual event and the birthday girl (who is also one of my very best friends) is one of those non-nicotine addicted social smokers. Genetic mutant (really!) that she is, she can smoke three packs in a chain smoking frenzy at a party and then not care less if she smokes the next day or the day after that or... until the next party. So, this weekend will be one of my biggest challenges yet:
Me, my husband and my son have already gone camping once since I quit so that I could get "first time camping as a nonsmoker" under my belt while on Chantix; I've already hung out drinking with the above-referenced friend once since I quit so I could get *that* under my belt. So now I'll have to combine them into one whole new "first time camping and drinking with H, as a non-smoker" experience! :)
I feel confident and proud of myself and my seven-year-old son said, when we were talking about it, "you let me know if you start to get a craving and it's very bad, because I'll walk down to the stream with you and help you splash water in your face so you'll feel refreshed and new and we'll get through the moment."
Nothing you can say to that other than t
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 6286
Hours: 23
Minutes: 43
Seconds: 21
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked