Coping skills are extremely important when we quit smoking. As smokers, we dealt with each situation and each emotion by smoking. We smoked when we were happy, sad, excited, depressed, bored, busy and everything else. One of the hardest things about quitting smoking are finding new ways to deal with the emotions that are a part of everyday life.
This site is so wonderful because it allows people to share ideas that have helped along the way. I wanted to pass some of what I have learned along the way. Drinking ice water helps to eliminate that �taste� for a cigarette. Deep breaths are important as well. When we smoked we took a lot of deep breaths, as we inhaled. Some times, I would actually pretend to be smoking as I did this. It was better than the real thing. Know that no matter what comes your way, smoking will not help. The voices in your head telling you that it will are just junkie thinking hard at work. Remember that we can all do anything for just five minutes. When the days seem too long, the situation too tough, or you feel like you are going to totally lose your mind, hold on for just five more minutes. When those minutes are up, do another five. Take one step at a time and be very patient with yourself. We all smoked a long time and it takes a while to learn to live as a non-smoker. Keep trying new things until you find what works for you and pick up some new hobby. Be proud of your quit. So many smokers just �wish� they could quit and you are actually doing it! When you feel you can't go on, go to the mirror and look at that non-smoker looking back at you. You wouldn't want to let that person looking back at you down.
My quit road has not been an easy one to travel. I don't think many of them are. Something I would like to share with you is the fact that there have been times over the last several months when it seems my quit was all I had to hold on to. I cherish it and don't intend to give it up for any reason, at any time. It really is worth everything you may be going through now. There is nothing greater than being a person who is free from the enslavement of smoking. I hope this helps someone.
[B]My Milage:[/B]
[B]My Quit Date: [/B] 7/1/2005
[B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 666
[B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B]