I'm turning into a not nice person. I'm turning into the kind of person I have always disliked.
I went out for brunch with my son and his family on Easter. We went to the Disneyland Hotel and then later walked around the shopping district at Downtown Disney.
California is mostly a non-smoking state. The nat average is 25%, in CA it's 18% smoking. I saw two people smoking. I didn't like it. I didn't like seeing it. I certainly didn't like passing them and smelling the cig smoke. I didn't like it on two fronts. One, it's foul smelling and obnoxious. Perversely, it awakened longings I'd rather forget, like having one myself. Isn't that a split personality for ya????
I came back and told my husband that I didn't want anyone smoking in the car anymore. If we give a ride to someone, we normally allow smoking in the car, because we did when we smoked. The smell is gone, except when a passenger lights up and now it bothers me. It bothers me A LOT.
I don't want to turn into the cigarette police. Help. What can I do to regain my composure?