Once, you seemed so big to me. You controlled my every thought, my every action. You were everywhere. Not an hour went by that I wasn�t with you, much less a day or a week. You controlled where I went and even who my friends were. I could not make friends with people who were not also controlled by you, for that is how much you controlled me. You convinced me that the only people who would understand were people like me, and so I was shut off from the rest of the world. But you were there. I clung to you like you were my best friend, but really, you were just haunting me.
But like an object cast into the distance, you grew smaller and smaller as I ran as quickly as I could to get away from you. The farther I got, the smaller you were. But, the course I took was haunted by mirrors that tricked me daily. You seemed to be around me even more than before! In front of me! Behind me! Next to me! You were everywhere! I still could not get away from you! Though I was running further and further away, these mirrors made me believe that you were still close by, still looming in the shadows. This was yet another one of your tricks, another way of controlling me. You could not stand to allow me to be free. The more frantically I ran away from you, the more these mirrors convinced me that you were still there. I felt even more trapped than before!
Until one day, I broke those mirrors, every single one of them. I shattered them until even they were just a faint memory. What I then found out was that the mirrors only existed because I put them there. It was not you controlling me at all. It was I who had the control, and chose to give it to you. I put those mirrors up, and yet they were what was destroying me, but only because I let them.
Once the mirrors were gone, I could actually see how far away I had gotten from you. What was once enormous, is now just a tiny spec in the distance. You do not loom in the background, nor lurk in the shadows. You no longer control my thoughts or actions. You�re just a faint memory of the life I used to have. I can hardly see you anymore. Whenever a mirror appears, I shatter it as quickly as possible. I now know that I created it and can destroy it ju