Hi guys! Didja miss me?
I'm still alive and breathing clean fresh air and a stinky chest-nut tree. WOOOOOOOO that think stinks!
So the place looks great! I like it,,, I really do.
Yeah, I quit smoking on May 11, 2007. What-da-ya think of that???
I~M~P~R~E~S~S~I~V~E :)
OH, I got my pool today. I've been working on it with my bestest smoking buddy but since I don't smoke, she's on her own if ya know what I mean. All I got to do now is take my soon to be 12 year old son to the doctor's tommorrow and when I get back, I'll set the liner in and fill'er up. I can't wait.
We're gonna have a pool party so grab your suits and towels, we're gonna party! Smokers get dunked! :p