Tony, i totally relate. Growing up my passion was flying and airplanes and i grew up and worked for several major airlines and flew all over the world my panic got worse, the travel ended...ive been in and out of remission with panic for close to 15 years and every time i beat it , im able to fly again, albeit not on trips longer than 5 or 6 last major attack occured in nov 03, i was sitting on a plane bound for vegas(work) and i blacked out/seizure type panic attack before take off, was take offf plane and threw up all day.....i have been in relapse mode ever since BUT I was able to fly 3 hours to miami in feb 04 and although it was really hard, i did it.... but now Im still in panic mode.....its up and down with this illness but you will fly again....i actually recovered several times and really really loved flying again...i hope this happens again to me and you....where you located. michael