Thank you Casey. I am doing better now. You are absolutely right...I do live in a wonderful place which helps me enournously to be still and quiet when necessary. I can do this I was just having a moment. As we say on Maui, Mahalo nui loa! It means thank you so much!
Hi Rose! Cooking for 25 people would give a "normal" person a panic attack!! You've gotten through the planning and I'm sure you'll get through the meal. Have fun and enjoy the company!!
Hi rose,
Wow - you are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place - no wonder you are having so many visitors.
Entertaining others sure can be stressful. You can get through this though. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.
Wishing you all the best - and try to enjoy your company. Let us know how everything goes.
Hope to hear from you soon,
The Panic Center Support Specialist
This message was edited by casey.duffy on 7-29-04 @ 8:00 PM
Hi all I am sitting here fighting the tingles and chest pains bordering on a panic attack. it really helps posting because you all respond and make me feel better. I live on Maui and right now I have three visitors from Texas who are really great but it still can be very stressful. Yesterday four more who are not actually staying in the house but who will be visiting here while I have my other guests is overwhelming not to mention I am having a dinner party tomorrow for 25 so that my Maui friends can meet everyone. Yikes! I know I can handle it but right now I feel STRANGE! I'm really trying to move on to a "normal" life but once in awhile I get a little freaky. Thanks to all of you for being out there!