Hi Girl! I felt the same way and was put on Lexapro. My dosage started small and is now actually 37 mgs a day. I have had good success with it and I can tell you the side effects that I HAVE experienced: low sex drive. That is it. Does not make me sleepy or weird or freaky. It keeps me pretty level. Now, I do still have the panic off and on, but the Lexapro keeps it from being a daily living hell type of panic.
No problem Theresa. I also experience the dread thought that I wont be able to deal with the panic. I wrote myself a note that says, "Rachele, whenever you panic you worry that it wont go away, but it always does!" I read this and other notes when I am having a bad day. Sounds bizarre but it has helped me calm down. Hope you have a good weekend! Rachele
Rachele, thank you for your response. There have been times during the course of this month that I feel I will never be able to deal with these panic feelings. It helps that there are people out there that will listen and provide support. Thanks again. I'm sure I'll be on again soon. Theresa
Theresa, the "horror stories" you hear relate to children and adolescents. The medications were not tested and approved by the FDA for use with children but along the way some doctors tried them out. They were tested and approved for adults which is why you don't hear stories about this problem with adults. Anyway, my brother takes Lexapro and is having great success with it. He was having anxiety with trouble traveling and needed to be with a safe person when he wasn't at work. This medication has been a great relief for him. Hope this helps. Rachele
I have been on Klonopin for a month and my doctor wants me to start Lexapro and wean off the Klonopin. I am terrified of taking SSRI medications because of the horror stories I have heard. I have also heard success stories but of course I have been fixated on the worse case scenario. Has anyone had success with Lexapro?