Well, don't really have an answer for you but wanted you to know that you are not alone. I too have difficulty traveling long distances from home. Sometimes its there and sometimes its not, and I never know until I get where I'm going. Basically, unless I am already in an anxious episode at home, in other words, a period of time where I am regularly experiencing anxiety/panic, I make myself go on vacation. I never go away from home when I am in one of my "bad times", what's the point? I wouldn't have fun anywhy. What I do is take all my comfort items with me on the trip and make sure I have enough meds to tide me over till I get home. I also alert a family member or friend that I may need to call to chitchat while gone because of the panic. Then I just make a list of the fun stuff I want to do and hope for the best. Good luck, Rachele